Sunday, 25 November 2012


Sickness, changes something. Or maybe you expect it to.
The fact that you spend days lying mindlessly and absolutely with yourself, somehow initiates a thought process, but then when everything is alright, this profoundness is lost.
We always look for things to have a greater meaning in life. A moment to mean something more than just a passing illness, a mundane incident or a regular day.That accident you saw on the road, that recent death of a  close relative, your recent failure or even when you lost a friend, these loses and little gains. Gains like that of a new love, a new for future, an introspective revelation or happiness after a good meal. These things, big or small are so burdened with the responsibility of having some kind of meaning, relevance and affect on our lives. We try and search for profoundness, even when we know everything is actually very dull and boring, this monotony is sought after for some kind of poignancy (like Mrs. Dalloway). Happiness is supposed to be a hard virtue and sadness more accessible. So when your heart breaks  this sadness is supposed to alter you in some possible way. Happiness too for that matter, but somehow it doesn't stick long enough on people. A few grateful gestures and its forgotten.
But it is necessary. Necessary and important to feel a rush of emotions, important to be sicken by grief and elated by happiness for simplest reasons, because in this highly meaningless structure allotted for good living, these reminiscences of fundamental humane emotions keeps us going. We build towers on ladder steps, that shake and tremble, their fragility is their beauty. the fear that puts a curtain over it for no one to see, the relief when someone decides to hop in despite the difficulty. My attention is back to the little things in life, greater ideas are formed upon the skeleton of little breakages, little nascent cracks that bleed sunlight in. But this doesn't change the fact that it is actually irrelevant. This search for meaning, everywhere, changes actually nothing and only fuels the keys on our back to go on.  But really, what is happiness and remorse?
I recently found out that, no one atom is same in our body as it was on our birth. SO basically, we are nothing, but just information. What is the body? The physical existence is nothing and quite literally so. You are what you know, what you have fed your ever changing brain, therefore existence is knowledge. And this is inspirational. What you are, is your passions. The idea of existence itself is problematic. But it sure is intriguing. We can play around and mess up with these information just as we please, your identity is so fluid and transient. I think that is quite a motivation now. Finally, this existentialist paranoia was getting to my head. If we actually keep a very high perspective then your whole life can be lived like one social experiment after another. Build a series of events, chain reactions that give an unexpected and then do it all over again. I anyways always thought human emotions were overrated. They are never so permanent, given the attention and worries people associate to them.
Now this is fun. Play on.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Yesterday was Hard on All of Us.

The structure of a tragedy and the fate of an epic
Within these lines you built a humble and false abode
With all the stories of glory and valor, you quietly wept last night
Don't worry no one else saw, yesterday was hard on all of us.

Trembling in the cold, surrounded by fireworks of happiness
Shaking and shutting in to all that is loud. They set fire to your little bed
And chased away your pet, with no calm or peace sleep refused arrival
Don't worry it had to happen, yesterday was hard on all of us,

As the door opened to her son's room, the sight shook her life.
Death, relief to one and suffocation to another. Staring at a faded
Picture all night, you refused to go out. O helpless mother
Don't worry he must be happy, yesterday was hard on all of us.

No home to go, no one waiting on you. Loneliness manifests manifold
On days like these. You looked at pictures, let your heart wander across miles.
A drink for the company, and a song for memory. Sleep alone, again.
Don't worry it will be over soon, yesterday was hard on all of us.

Dressed up and embellished, prepared for a celebration.
Like a mannequin, he places you where you look best. And despite
Your little battles, you lose even worse today. Marriage, your sanctified murder.
Don't worry it might hurt less, yesterday was hard on all of us.

I chose it as the right time. To drown and surrender.
Another drink and another smoke, few last indulgences.
Lost love, anticipated dreams, merciless oblivion and terrified mornings.
Don't worry just one more fight, yesterday was hard on all of us.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

The Profane.

We decided to visit. After having met weeks later, the desire was strong. Though it was mostly unsaid and despite our silent lustful exchanges, we avoided any scent of profanity that might have lingered around our relationship. She would slip her fingers politely in my hand, ofcourse I never resisted, rather I enjoyed these moments of transcendence where for few minutes I allowed myself to forget the names we were given.

Maybe this is just a confession or a fantastical idea, but the severity of emotions being felt between us shall bleed through these words, which I am beginning to consider my solace, as to her my lips are sealed.

It was a cold afternoon, highly unlikely given the month and time. So I suggested we sat somewhere warm and less windy, and she wore a black t shirt. This color highlighted what was best on her, the eyes. But she was a beautiful woman, the kind you look at again after a glimpse. This air of magnetism is extremely hard to avoid. Though I know I am not supposed to let myself get enveloped in this sublimity, but the fact that this love is terrifying, makes it even more tempting and my imagination more sensuous. She slips her fingers again, and very passively so. There are some kinds of touch that communicate better, and so was hers. Though the sexual tension was never absent, but in between there were thick layers of affection and love. Which made me want her even more.

(I know that this is crazy, half insane and completely beautiful.
Places where lovers go and have been, are not for him and me.
We, we love differently, we are profane.

The profanity is when your fingers politely entwine mine,
And how your eyes refuse to leave the contours of my face.
The ring you left, is safe and fits perfectly.)

How I wanted her was far more important than the 'why'.
I wanted to wrap myself around her in the freezing mornings that were around the corner. She would keep herself still, because the warmth was a quenching relieve for her. I know this, because I have known and seen her since we were kids. We played around, and though my eyes never went to the room where she was, but a presence was always prominent. And now after years when the closeness has become a necessity, our shared history is only a strength. I wanted to look at her face, without her eyes turning away, and maybe when I have her as close as I can, tell that I love her.

(I talked of love with the body, the loneliness of the
Heart and the occupation of the body.
Our shared nights and evenings, now bring warmth.

We never talked about the heart, the sin they thought
It was committing. But I cherish his touch, and its politeness.
The inception of a difference, amongst lovers.)

Hours passed, and we simply held hands. The sensuality and need of a deeper physical contact kept haunting. But there is something about winters, the cold air, the chilling breath calms down everything it touches. The music she played was not very clear, but it was both instigating and soothing. Everytime I saw her, I felt happiness, moments where I wondered if that's normal were soon passed and dismissed. We talk, I love to see her talk and listen. And like all the other times, we leave with smiles. 

(The profanity of what we shared was quiet,
When asked I never answered, but his being cured me.
I know he'd never say, neither will I.

So a sanctity remains amongst this incestuous 
belonging. I see him again tomorrow, and all 
I do is anticipate. What the winter winds store now.)

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Poles and Pillars

Maybe running around pillars and poles of questions
And letting the wind brush through hair..
Maybe sitting on a bench on the top of quiet hill
And reading old books and letters..
Maybe the pictures that seemed funny and beautiful
And humble voyeurism of the soul..
Maybe dreaming like a child tucked in cozily
And making paper dolls at night..
Maybe that one true love which was lost
And is still missed repeatedly..
Maybe a lucky companion made for life
And very quietly being scared of what will be..
Maybe the herculean dreams for which all is planned
And tender affections comforting cold nights..
Maybe those miles of words and arts
And escaping to simplest places..
Maybe the profane is the love of life
And for it all else taken for granted..
Maybe the grandeur is ultimately an illusion
And struggling endlessly for its attainment..
Maybe there are many singing better songs
And still holding on to failure as a comfort..
Maybe getting consumed is peaceful
And amongst chaos there is happiness..
Maybe too many stories were told
And nascent minds believed all..
Maybe it never was about contentment
And loneliness is more comforting..

Maybe I asked you too much,
And you thought answers weren't required.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Comfort and Home.

How badly is it sought, especially by those who like me are accustomed to lazy, cozy and warm places. Quite recently I had to leave and stay away from my home for 2 nights, and it was for a bright and exciting occasion. But after 24 hours, I started missing. My bed, my sheet, my pillow and most importantly MY DOGS. Warm, cuddly, fragrant fur balls who cuddle in and heat you up, they never leave you and sleep for atleast 15 hours a day. They induce this overwhelming sweetness and laziness which is irresistible and addictive. I don't want to go anywhere, and I don't want to leave.
Yes, I have plans of travelling and yes I plan to leave home soon, but oh god the comfort. The ease of slipping under sheets effortlessly and have no care. I have seen people from different cities living alonr here, well, yes how independent and courageous. The sheer pleasure of leaving and coming back whenever, spending nights with their boyfriends, active night life and non-existent dry spells. Do I envy them? Yes. Do I want to exchange my place with them? HELL NO. Either I should have loads of money, which I can splurge with no worries, or I will stay at the divine ease and comfort of my home.
This is not profound and neither is it thought provoking, but this has been occupying my mind. I love my friends, and I love coming back home after spending the entire day with them. Maybe I cherish this personal space too much, which involves extremely loose clothing, messy hair, no 'liability' of bathing and no socially acceptable behavior  Be it my maa constantly tending to me while I am sick or my father running around to make me soup. This place is where I have been spoiling, breaking and fixing myself. It has not always been the most peaceful or supporting  place, but the very idea of coming back to it and learning step by step how to fix and bear with it, has been quite an experience.
But I will leave this comfort zone of mine very soon. And though home is where the heart is, I know mine is going to be here forever..

And just LOOK at this fellow all cuddled up and sleeping, my dogs look better, cuter and more tempting.