Thursday, 28 February 2013

Freedom and Shadows.

"You seem angry. What's wrong?'
"She doesn't see me anymore. I walk by her side when she runs, its like I am invisible."
"Do you know she is no longer with him?"
"I heard. I am happy."
"Why would you be happy?"
"Because I know she wasn't."
"I heard her laughter, it was the most hideous and false sound I had ever heard."
"But how do you know it was because of him?"
"I heard her call his name out loud once. It cracked five times before coming out right."
"You want her too much, woman."
"How do I tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
"Why am I happy that she is no longer committed?"
"I don't understand. I have seen her laughing and holding hands. Smiling at the mention of his name and counting days in his wait."
"And that's beautiful?"
"That's how they define love, don't they?"

Before answering I ponder on this question, how do they define love? Is it liberating or confining? Is it happy, but what is happiness. I was never sad in my life, not in its truest sense, but still I went ahead and took my life. I know when I see a sister, I can feel it my bones, the chill of death travelling through blood like a warm tranquil drug which convinces the mind of happiness. Happiness that finds solace in other people and looks around to fall on a man or woman. The chill takes away your illusions, takes away the tiring routine of 'being happy' and an endless effort to prove yourself. Prove yourself that you are better that the image in the mirror, better than the man you love, better than the word you write. But since its all lies, it fails terribly, and we are slipped into an abyss. I stand now, on the other side of the tunnel, the part where they light is. My friend, the woman I am talking to died accidentally, wanted to tease her mother and that simply went wrong. I did it, because I could.

"I know, its highly confusing."
"No, its not. I know her because I have seen her walk in this park very late at night. And she has felt me in her shadow. Scared, maybe, but she likes company which puts no weight or pressure. A company that doesn't have to feed on her for existence. And I like her for that."
"You really are, obsessed with her."
"Why shouldn't I? She is not 'free'."
"Freedom now, really?"
"Yes. Happiness puts these walls around her, enslaves her. Freedom is not completely upsetting, but gives her the confidence of losing herself, be it to insaniy or happiness."
"What now?"
"We need to do something."
"Like what?"
"I don't know. Get her freedom back."

Monday, 18 February 2013


I see you. The smudged edges of your being
Not flaws but the truth. Colors that outgrow boundaries.
Flowing out of edges, but not chaotic.
A form, a colorful persona. My love.

I see the stars. Not as little dots of silver
But bulbs of light. Like Starry Starry Night.
They are bright and moving. And the moon
Its not whole, but active in a blank sky.

I hear you, sometimes not clearly but I hear.
Words are incomplete but sound is perfect.
I try and read your lips, but they are beautiful red masses.
I see them move but know not what they mean.

The wind I can feel it on my skin.
The cold and warmth, as it gushes all over.
I try and find its traces in the trees but I see locomotive green.
Green bulges of color on brown. Moving swiftly.

And then I put my glasses back on.
The edges are clearer, the boundaries are visible.
I see some flaws and more color.
I have astigmatism, world is better without glasses.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Then and Now.

Time after time, after every fulfilling moment
While I turn off the lights, or on at night.
After every small chore and errand.
The one from our house to the shop
Or the longer run from work to home again.
Especially when I am alone, and power cuts.
I twist the ring on my finger, and keep hallucinating.

We had lunch together and coffee too.
And I am excited to see you tomorrow for dinner.
I love your voice in my ears, the earthy baritone.
The touch of your thick but not fat fingers
Your eyes, looking straight at me. Making me laugh.
Making me smile, you never speak too loud.
But I need to go home. Goodbye, don't stay too long.

Your hand got stuck while putting that shirt. I will pull it off.
The winters knock loudly. I set will make a warm bath.
The water will glide on your skin, getting lost in your hair.
I watch overwhelmed as your skin glistens.
The long day is now winding up. Sneak between the sheets
Our contours amalgamate into a beautiful form.
Don't let go. Not tonight, not tomorrow morning. Never.

Within layers of colors and laughter
Between sheets of pleasures and failures
Amongst lies of love and truths of confessions
You move effortlessly and invite me for a dance.
We move on these beats of insecurities, under flickering lights.
Is it a wonderful life, or mirage of one.
Just keeping our eyes on it, until this infinite road ends.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Our Mirror.

The mirror, that mirror, her image
My reflection, her reaction, in the mirror.

The mirror is cracking up. I see.
Neither you clearly, nor me. I just can't see.

You saw me once, and I did too, in the mirror.
You don't look anymore. I feel incomplete.

Hating your image, shattering mine. This mirror.
Take it away, doesn't make me smile anymore.

Last I saw, you were pierced, didn't bleed.
I turned. Never looked again. But I need to.

Happiness invited me in, I look at you for permission.
No answer, turned to mirror. Its too damaged to answer.

They ask what's wrong, I know. But you don't see.
I drag, push, pull, no movement. Tired, I sit in corner.

Lets make it bleed, so we can bandage at least.
Don't look at the mirror tomorrow. Wounds are ugly.

Marks of broken mirror, etched on you. I still need.
Need to look, need to smile. Allow me, or let the mirror.

Turn away, lets. Move away from it. No answers.
Face each other. Did we need the mirror, anyways?

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Mattress and Cupboard.


6:00- Alarm rings
6:15- Try to wake up
6:30- Wake up
6:45- Washroom time
7:30- Get Dressed
8:00- Coffee at regular coffee shop
8:30- Start walking to work
9:05- Say Hello to everyone
9:15- Reach your desk
9:20- Work
14:30- Lunch
14:35- Laugh
14:40- Listen
14:45- Joke
15:00- Eat
15:45- Go back to work
16:30- Check phone
17:30- Leave
18:05- Reach coffee shop
18:30- Reach Home
20:00- Make Dinner
20:20- Eat Dinner
21:00- Laugh
21:15- Listen
21:25- Talk
21: 35- Cry
22:00- Stare
00:00- Set Alarm

He lived in this routine, everyday of every week of every month, that lasted all year. He never invited anyone over, never talked to anyone on the phone. They said he had an affair with a married woman, some said he was autistic, others saw him as a possible homosexual. But none could explain his rather peculiar loneliness. He seemed to be waiting of someone or something. Waiting for 30 years, when asked by his therapist once, he couldn't answer why or what. But he waited, night after night and day after day. Not that he was aloof, he had a rather good and quirky humor and his food was popular in workplace. Even his lovers were a fan. Most important was the strictness of this schedule, that never missed a minute. One or two, here and there, maybe, but he was always punctual, one of the reasons behind his success too. Though he was mostly alone now, loneliness didn't bother him nor did it ask questions whose answer he had to look hard for. Looking hard gives headaches, and he hated medicines. He was a well respected, well dressed and well settled man, the kind which mothers like and fathers doubt, best friends hate and acquaintances admire. Everyday began the same way with the same monotony. Monotony never bothered him, and ever since his outbreak 10 years ago, monotony had been the greatest and most efficient treatment. He never talked about exactly what happened, nor did he ever let any questions be raised on his sanity. A man. Such a sane and sober one.

6:00- Alarm rings
6:15- Try to wake up
6:30- Wake up
6:45- Washroom time
7:30- Get Dressed
8:00- Coffee at regular coffee shop
8:30- Start walking to work
9:05- Say Hello to everyone
9:15- Reach your desk
9:20- Work
14:30- Lunch
14:35- Laugh
14:40- Listen
14:45- Joke
15:00- Eat
15:45- Go back to work
16:30- Check phone
17:30- Leave
18:05- Reach coffee shop
18:30- Reach Home
20:00- Make Dinner
20:20- Eat Dinner

21:00- "Hello, I thought you were going to be late today. You know I don't like that, especially when I am paying for each and every second. What do you propose for tonight, something conventional  or challenging? Well, I can see you want to me to treat you like your lover would."
The woman, sitting opposite to him, doesn't reply.  She had been appearing right here, where he wanted her everyday at the same time. Funny how hallucinations can be tempting and sexy.

21:15- "Yes, Father. Yes, yes, I understand and absolutely agree. I too believe that what you did was much required, much needed. Yes, Father, I know no one else can ever understand. Alright, Father we'll make your favorite tonight, that wonderful curry for dinner. Shall I call out for mother, then…oh."
His father had a habit of dressing well too. A red tweed coat and brown pants with a decent shirt. Old yet charming, his father had a way with him. A way of making him listen, a way of making his mind turn inside out.

21:25- "If you still believe  I lay around and never missed you, then you're wrong. I could never say it, because I have a fear, that people are plotting to make me happy. I heard you talk to your sister and discuss such schemes. I love you, I did from the day you ran away from my bedroom and I grabbed your yellow dress. See the color is still in my hands, see?"
Nancy, was his first lover, the truest. First love is always wrong, and he would start to believe this. After Nancy, he never talked of love to anyone else, nor did he suspect of them plotting against him.

21:35- " I saw a puppy getting squished under a car today. I felt its pain. I saw a carpenter cutting off his finger today. Bones are hard, but it must have hurt. I saw a man running after a woman who was weeping. He should not have let go. I saw my mother on the bed again. She was naked, and I didn't look away."
He had a little pet once, which his father resented. Having a carpenter father is interesting for a child, the fun of looking at your dad make things is both proud and amusing. Nancy and he broke up in a market place two years after they met first, she made quite a scene.

22:00- " I shall try with this tie tonight, maybe I will wake up as a different creature tomorrow morning. The belt didn't work, this should. Let me check the ceiling fan again. I have always loved Kafka. The bathroom tub is already occupied by her and then the cupboard is full too. Father still lies in the mattress, so I must hurry."
He always had trouble sleeping. He hasn't slept in 10 years.