Thursday 1 November 2012

Comfort and Home.

How badly is it sought, especially by those who like me are accustomed to lazy, cozy and warm places. Quite recently I had to leave and stay away from my home for 2 nights, and it was for a bright and exciting occasion. But after 24 hours, I started missing. My bed, my sheet, my pillow and most importantly MY DOGS. Warm, cuddly, fragrant fur balls who cuddle in and heat you up, they never leave you and sleep for atleast 15 hours a day. They induce this overwhelming sweetness and laziness which is irresistible and addictive. I don't want to go anywhere, and I don't want to leave.
Yes, I have plans of travelling and yes I plan to leave home soon, but oh god the comfort. The ease of slipping under sheets effortlessly and have no care. I have seen people from different cities living alonr here, well, yes how independent and courageous. The sheer pleasure of leaving and coming back whenever, spending nights with their boyfriends, active night life and non-existent dry spells. Do I envy them? Yes. Do I want to exchange my place with them? HELL NO. Either I should have loads of money, which I can splurge with no worries, or I will stay at the divine ease and comfort of my home.
This is not profound and neither is it thought provoking, but this has been occupying my mind. I love my friends, and I love coming back home after spending the entire day with them. Maybe I cherish this personal space too much, which involves extremely loose clothing, messy hair, no 'liability' of bathing and no socially acceptable behavior  Be it my maa constantly tending to me while I am sick or my father running around to make me soup. This place is where I have been spoiling, breaking and fixing myself. It has not always been the most peaceful or supporting  place, but the very idea of coming back to it and learning step by step how to fix and bear with it, has been quite an experience.
But I will leave this comfort zone of mine very soon. And though home is where the heart is, I know mine is going to be here forever..

And just LOOK at this fellow all cuddled up and sleeping, my dogs look better, cuter and more tempting.

1 comment:

  1. :)
    i know the feeling, but in a slightly different context...
