Monday 3 December 2012

Lonely: Happy.

I think inspiration is important and so is loneliness.

I am inspired by so many people.
My tragic father, my wise mother
My brother who is disintegrating and all the lost and forgotten lovers.

Bleeding is the essence of life, as much as winter warmth is.
You crack and you bleed, the beads of shiny maroon life
Float and flow through the contours of what life is.

It is essential, it keeps us alive and it keeps us breathing.
The breath of loneliness mixed with the husky smoke
Easily fills the spaces around us and soon they can be replaced by laughter.

And when it is, finally replaced, you can feel missing footprints.
Broken glasses and cohesive smoked traces leave behind memories
Memories form the shape that fill the chalk-line of what we call identity.

The little knots you tied, every time you got off the wrong stop
Is the definition of the strong rope you now hold onto to stay alive and enabled.
You might have made that thread with tears or laughter, but remember, its strong.

I made you hide large dreams in little spaces, it might soon fall short.
And when they burst out of the little boxes make sure you feed them
Not kill them, but feed light, food, happiness, hope and strength..along with love.

Heat in freezing moments, and happiness in loud funerals
Time played you around like a little doll with small space and now
You hold onto that hope and those little indulgences. Hold strong.

I have been in love, and so have you. We both went away and so did they.
Now when the dust of their presence is gone and cleaned. Play
that song you wrote with me for them, and we'll sway.

This was inspiring. Beautifully written.

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